
45 United States Presidents IQs: Ranked From Least To Best

45 United States Presidents IQs: Ranked From Least To Best


Ever wondered which of our esteemed United States presidents had the biggest brains? Well, I’ve got some juicy intel for you. We’re going to rank these leaders by their supposed IQs. It’s time to separate the geniuses from the average Joes!

United States Presidents

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “IQ scores? For presidents who lived centuries ago?” You’re right to be skeptical. But thanks to the tireless work of historians and researchers, we’ve got some pretty solid estimates to work with.

45. Joe Biden – IQ 115

I’m not even surprised here. Joe Biden, the 46th and current president, has an estimated IQ of 115 according to some sources. Now, I know what you’re thinking – that’s not exactly genius level. But hey, intelligence isn’t everything! Biden has a lot of other qualities that make him a good leader, like his empathy, his sense of humor, and his ability to connect with people.

44. Ulysses S. Grant – IQ 120

Sure, he led the Union Army to victory in the Civil War and became our 18th president, but who needs a high IQ when you’ve got a kick-ass beard, right? I mean, have you seen that thing? It’s like a furry little critter took up residence on his face. But hey, at least he had the good sense to rock that look with confidence!

43. James Monroe – IQ 124.13

Best known for the “Monroe Doctrine,” which basically told Europe to keep their grubby hands off the Western Hemisphere, James Monroe had just enough brain power to come up with that gem. But let’s be real, he probably had some help from his advisors. I mean, have you ever tried to come up with a doctrine? It’s not exactly a one-man job!

42. Warren G. Harding – IQ 124.3

Poor Warren G. Harding. His presidency was plagued by scandals, but at least he had the good sense to die before things got too out of hand. I guess that’s one way to avoid impeachment! But hey, maybe he was just misunderstood. After all, it takes a certain kind of genius to get caught up in that many scandals and still keep your job!

41. George W. Bush – IQ 124.88

Ah, good old Dubya. He may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, but he sure knew how to keep things interesting. From his classic Bushisms to his questionable decision-making skills, he proved that you don’t need a high IQ to be president. And hey, at least he gave us plenty of material for late-night comedy sketches!

40. Andrew Johnson – IQ 125.65

Andrew Johnson had the unenviable task of taking over after Lincoln’s assassination, and let’s just say he didn’t exactly rise to the occasion. He may have had a slightly higher IQ than some of the other presidents on this list, but that didn’t stop him from getting impeached. I guess sometimes even a few extra brain cells can’t save you from your own stupidity!

39. Zachary Taylor – IQ 125.65

Zachary Taylor may have been a war hero, but his presidency was cut short by a fatal case of gastroenteritis. I guess you could say his IQ was no match for a bad bowl of cherries! But hey, at least he went out doing what he loved – eating fruit. Yep, there are worse ways to go than death by cherry overdose.

38. James Buchanan – IQ 125.93

James Buchanan is often ranked as one of the worst presidents in history, and it’s not hard to see why. I mean, he basically sat back and watched as the country headed towards civil war. Maybe if he had a few more IQ points, he would have realized that was a bad idea. But hey, at least he had the good sense to get out of the White House before things really hit the fan!

37. Andrew Jackson – IQ 126.25

Andrew Jackson may have been a war hero and a populist president, but he was also kind of a jerk. I mean, the guy had a temper that could make a rabid wolverine look cuddly. And don’t even get me started on his treatment of Native Americans. I guess having a high IQ doesn’t necessarily make you a good person. But hey, at least he had the good sense to put his face on the $20 bill before he died!

36. William Howard Taft – IQ 126.9

William Howard Taft may have been the only president to get stuck in a bathtub, but that doesn’t mean he was a complete idiot. I mean, the guy went on to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after his presidency. That’s got to count for something, right? Come on, getting stuck in a bathtub is a pretty impressive feat. It takes a certain kind of genius to pull that off!

35. Gerald Ford – IQ 127.08

Gerald Ford may have been the only president to never be elected to the office, but that didn’t stop him from making his mark on history. He may not have had the highest IQ on this list, but he did have the good sense to pardon Nixon and put an end to the Watergate scandal. He also had the distinction of being the first president to fall down the stairs of Air Force One.

34. Calvin Coolidge – IQ 127.1

Silent Cal, as he was known, may not have been the most talkative president, but he sure knew how to keep things cool. I mean, the guy took naps every day during his presidency. But don’t let his laid-back demeanor fool you – he still managed to get things done, like cutting taxes and balancing the budget. I guess sometimes less really is more!

33. Harry Truman – IQ 127.55

Harry Truman may have had a slightly higher IQ than Calvin Coolidge, but that didn’t make him any less feisty. This guy had a sign on his desk that read “The Buck Stops Here,” which basically meant that he wasn’t afraid to take responsibility for his actions. Did you know he’s the one who made the tough decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan?

32. Lyndon B. Johnson – IQ 127.83

LBJ may have had a higher IQ than some of the other presidents on this list, but that didn’t stop him from making some questionable decisions. I mean, the guy escalated the Vietnam War and got us into a whole mess of trouble. But hey, at least he had the good sense to sign the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. I guess sometimes even a flawed leader can do some good!

31. Herbert Hoover – IQ 129.78

Poor Herbert Hoover. He had the misfortune of being president during the onset of the Great Depression, and he didn’t exactly handle it well. I guess having a high IQ doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to fix the economy. But hey, at least he had the good sense to leave office after one term. I mean, who wants to stick around and take the blame for a disaster like that?

30. Ronald Reagan – IQ 130

Ah, the Gipper. He may have had a higher IQ than some of the other presidents on this list, but that didn’t stop him from making some questionable decisions. I mean, the guy sold weapons to Iran and used the profits to fund rebels in Nicaragua. But hey, at least he had the good sense to charm the pants off the American public with his witty one-liners and sunny disposition.

29. George H.W. Bush – IQ 130.13

George H.W. Bush may have had a slightly higher IQ than Ronald Reagan, but that didn’t make him any less prone to gaffes. I mean, the guy once referred to the internet as “the internets.” But hey, at least he had the good sense to lead the country through the end of the Cold War and the first Gulf War. I guess sometimes a steady hand is more important than a silver tongue.

28. William McKinley – IQ 130.18

William McKinley may have had a fairly high IQ, but that didn’t stop him from getting assassinated. I guess sometimes even a smart guy can’t avoid a bullet. But hey, at least he had the good sense to annex Hawaii and win the Spanish-American War before he kicked the bucket.

27. James K. Polk – IQ 130.2

James K. Polk may not be the most well-known president, but he sure knew how to get things done. I mean, the guy basically doubled the size of the country by annexing Texas and acquiring the Oregon Territory. But hey, at least he had the good sense to stick to his promise of only serving one term. I guess sometimes it’s better to quit while you’re ahead.

26. Grover Cleveland – IQ 130.95

Grover Cleveland may have been the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms, but that didn’t make him any less of a badass. I mean, the guy once got shot in the mouth during an assassination attempt and still managed to finish his speech. But hey, at least he had the good sense to take a break between terms. I guess sometimes even a president needs a vacation.

25. Richard Nixon – IQ 131

Tricky Dick, as he was known, may have had a fairly high IQ, but that didn’t stop him from getting caught up in the Watergate scandal. I guess sometimes even a smart guy can make some dumb decisions. But hey, at least he had the good sense to resign before he got impeached. I mean, who wants to go down in history as the first president to get kicked out of office? Oh wait, that was Andrew Johnson. Never mind!

24. Dwight Eisenhower – IQ 131.9

Before leaving office, Ike warned us about the military-industrial complex. Pretty insightful for a five-star general, don’t you think? I guess when you’ve seen as much action as he had, you learn a thing or two about the dangers of unchecked military power.

23. Benjamin Harrison – IQ 132.15

Benjamin Harrison, the grandson of William Henry Harrison, served a single term as president. I guess he figured if grandpa could do it, so could he! Too bad he didn’t have much to show for it in the end. Oh well, at least he kept the family tradition alive!

22. George Washington – IQ 132.5

George Washington was a true jack-of-all-trades. He led the Continental Army to victory, presided over the Constitutional Convention, and served as our first president. And when he stepped down after two terms, he set a precedent that lasted until FDR came along. Now that’s what I call leaving a legacy!

21. Martin Van Buren – IQ 133.35

Martin Van Buren, the first president born a U.S. citizen, rocked some seriously impressive sideburns during his one term in office. I mean, have you seen those things? They’re like a work of art! I bet he spent more time grooming those bad boys than he did running the country.

20. Rutherford B. Hayes – IQ 133.93

Rutherford B. Hayes may have had a high IQ, but that didn’t stop him from engaging in some seriously shady dealings. He basically stole the election from Samuel Tilden and then ended Reconstruction in the South. Not cool, Rutherford. Not cool at all.

19. William Henry Harrison – IQ 133.93

William Henry Harrison, the president with the shortest term ever, delivered the longest inaugural address in history. And then, just 32 days later, he died of pneumonia. I guess when you’ve only got a month to make your mark, you’ve gotta make every word count.

18. Franklin Pierce – IQ 134.78

Franklin Pierce, the guy who signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and basically lit the fuse for the Civil War, had one redeeming quality: his awesome mustache. I mean, have you seen that thing? It’s like a furry little caterpillar perched atop his upper lip. I guess when you’ve got facial hair that impressive, you can afford to make a few questionable decisions.

17. Millard Fillmore – IQ 135.98

Millard Fillmore, the last Whig president, may not have accomplished much during his time in office, but he did leave behind one lasting legacy: the first bathtub in the White House. That’s right, folks! Before Millard, presidents had to make do with a bucket and a sponge.

16. John Tyler – IQ 136.2

John Tyler, the president who betrayed his party and supported the Confederacy, had one thing going for him: his impressive progeny. The dude fathered 15 kids, more than any other president in history. I guess when you’re not busy being a traitor, you’ve got plenty of time for procreation!

15. Franklin D. Roosevelt – IQ 139.6

FDR, the president with the highest IQ on this list, faced some seriously daunting challenges during his tenure: the Great Depression, World War II, and polio. But did he let that stop him? Heck no! He implemented the New Deal, led the country through its darkest days, and even managed to get elected to an unprecedented four terms. Now that’s what I call a boss move!

14. Abraham Lincoln – IQ 140

Honest Abe, the 16th president, had an IQ of 140. That’s pretty impressive for a guy who grew up in a one-room log cabin! He may have had a rough start, but he sure made up for it with his leadership skills and iconic beard. And let’s not forget the Emancipation Proclamation!

13. James Garfield – IQ 141.5

James Garfield, the 20th president, had an IQ of 141.5. He was assassinated just 200 days into his presidency, which is a real shame because he had some serious potential. But hey, at least he went out with a bang! And by “bang,” I mean a gunshot wound. Too soon?

12. Chester Arthur – IQ 141.5

Chester Arthur, the 21st president, had an IQ of 141.5. He took over after Garfield’s assassination and had some pretty big shoes to fill. But he did his best, and even managed to implement some civil service reforms. Not too shabby for a guy with impressive facial hair!

11. James Madison – IQ 141.25

James Madison, the 4th president and “Father of the Constitution,” had an IQ of 141.25. That’s pretty darn smart if you ask me! He may have been short in stature, but he was a giant when it came to political prowess. Do you remember his lovely wife, Dolley, who knew how to throw a killer party?

10. John Adams – IQ 142.5

John Adams, the 2nd president, had an IQ of 142.5. He was a bit of a know-it-all, but hey, with an IQ like that, can you blame him? He had a tumultuous relationship with Thomas Jefferson, but in the end, they managed to patch things up and die on the same day – July 4th, 1826. Now that’s what I call a coincidence!

9. Theodore Roosevelt – IQ 142.28

Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president, had an IQ of 142.28. He was a real go-getter, and by that, I mean he went and got himself shot in the chest during a campaign speech and still managed to finish it! He also had a pretty impressive mustache, which is always a plus in my book.

8. Donald Trump – IQ 145

Donald Trump, the 45th president, claims to have an IQ of 145. I don’t know about you, but I find that hard to believe. I mean, have you heard the man speak? He’s not exactly a wordsmith. But hey, maybe he’s just playing 4D chess with us all. Or maybe he’s just a stable genius. Who knows?

7. Jimmy Carter – IQ 145.1

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, had an IQ of 145.1. He was a peanut farmer from Georgia who managed to make it all the way to the White House. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me! He may not have been the most popular president, but he did win a Nobel Peace Prize, so that’s something.

6. Woodrow Wilson – IQ 145.1

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president, had an IQ of 145.1. He was a pretty smart guy, but he also had some pretty controversial views on race. But hey, nobody’s perfect, right? He did manage to lead the country through World War I, so that’s something to be proud of.

5. Bill Clinton – IQ 148.8

Bill Clinton, the 42nd president, had an IQ of 148.8. That’s pretty darn impressive, especially considering he came from humble beginnings in Arkansas. He may have had some personal scandals during his presidency, but he also presided over a period of economic prosperity. I actually appreciate his smooth saxophone skills!

4. John F. Kennedy – IQ 150.65

JFK, the 35th president, had an IQ of 150.65. That’s pretty impressive, especially considering he was known more for his charm and good looks than his intelligence. But hey, brains and beauty are a winning combination in my book! Too bad his presidency was cut short by an assassin’s bullet. Who knows what he could have accomplished with more time?

3. Barack Obama – IQ 155

Barack Obama, the 44th president, had an IQ of 155 according to some sources. That’s pretty darn smart if you ask me! He was the first African American president, which is a historic achievement in itself. But he also managed to pass some major legislation during his time in office, like the Affordable Care Act. And you know what? This president can dance!

2. Thomas Jefferson – IQ 160

Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president and author of the Declaration of Independence, had an IQ of 160. That’s like, genius level smart! He was also a pretty snazzy dresser and had a love for fine wine. I guess when you’re that intelligent, you can afford to indulge in a few luxuries. Just don’t ask him about his views on slavery – that’s a bit of a sore spot.

1. John Quincy Adams – IQ 175

John Quincy Adams, the 6th president and son of John Adams, had an IQ of 175. That’s like, off-the-charts smart! He was a pretty accomplished guy, serving as a diplomat, senator, and secretary of state before becoming president. He also had a pretty impressive beard, which is always a plus in my book. Too bad he only served one term – imagine what he could have accomplished with more time!

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